module CrImage::MapImpl(T)


A collection of implementations of NumericMap(T), intended to be included in base classes.

See IntMap, FloatMap, and ComplexMap.

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module CrImage::NumericMap(T)

+(other : NumericMap(T)) : NumericMap(T) +, -(other : NumericMap(T)) : NumericMap(T) -, max : T max, min : T min, sum : T sum, to_c : NumericMap(Complex) to_c, to_f : NumericMap(Float64) to_f, to_i : NumericMap(Int32) to_i

Instance methods inherited from module CrImage::Map(T)

[](x : Int32, y : Int32) : T
[](index : Int32) : T
, []?(x : Int32, y : Int32) : T | Nil
[]?(index : Int32) : T | Nil
, height : Int32 height, shape : Tuple(Int32, Int32) shape, size : Int32 size, width : Int32 width

Constructor Detail

def : Int32, height : Int32, initial : T) #

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def : Int32, raw : Array(T)) #

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def : Array(Array(T))) #

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def : Int32, height : Int32, &) #

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Instance Method Detail

def *(num : Int | Float) : self #

Multiply each point in this Map by num

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def +(num : Int | Float) : self #

Add each point in this Map by num

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def +(other : self) : self #

Add each point of this Map with each point in other

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def -(other : NumericMap(T)) : self #

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def -(num : Int) : self #

Subtract each point in this Map by num

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def -(num : Float) : FloatMap #

Subtract each point in this Map by num

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def /(num : Int | Float) : FloatMap #

Divides each point in this Map by num

TODO ComplexMap shouldn't return a FloatMap

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def <(num : Int | Float) : Mask #

Construct a Mask identifying all pixels smaller than num.

Woman with black turtleneck and white background
gray = image.to_gray                          # Convert color image to grayscale
mask = gray < 128                             # Generate a threshold mask"greater_than_example.jpg") # Convert and save the mask as a black and white image
Black and white silhouette with background and woman's face as white, hair and sweater black

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def <=(num : Int | Float) : Mask #

Construct a Mask identifying all pixels smaller than or equal to num. See #< for example.

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def ==(num : Int | Float) : Mask #

Construct a Mask identifying all pixels equal to num

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def ==(other : self) : Bool #

Check if this Map is equal to other

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def >(num : Int | Float) : Mask #

Construct a Mask identifying all pixels larger than num.

Woman with black turtleneck and white background
gray = image.to_gray                          # Convert color image to grayscale
mask = gray > 128                             # Generate a threshold mask"greater_than_example.jpg") # Convert and save the mask as a black and white image
Black and white silhouette with background and woman's face as white, hair and sweater black

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def >=(num : Int | Float) : Mask #

Construct a Mask identify all pixels larger than or equal to num. See #> for near example.

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def [](xstart : Int32, xcount : Int32, ystart : Int32, ycount : Int32) : self #

Crop the map to the values contained from xstart out by xcount, and ystart out by ycount

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def [](x : Int32, y : Int32) : T #

Get element at coordinates x and y

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def [](xrange : Range, ystart : Int32) : self #

Crop the map, returning only the values in row at ystart

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def [](xstart : Int32, yrange : Range) : self #

Crop the map, returning only the values in column at xstart

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def [](xrange : Range, yrange : Range) : self #

Crop the map to the values contained in xrange and yrange

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def [](index : Int32) : T #

Get element at index from underlying #raw Array.

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def []?(x : Int32, y : Int32) : T | Nil #

Get lement at coordinates x and y, or nil if coordinates are out of bounds

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def []?(index : Int32) : T | Nil #

Get element at index, or nil if out of bounds

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def column(x : Int32) : self #

Get a single dimensional Map representing teh column at x

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def cross_correlate(template : Map, *, edge_policy : EdgePolicy = EdgePolicy::Repeat) : FloatMap #

Perform a brute force cross correlation calculation with provided template.

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def cross_correlate_fft(template : Map, *, edge_policy : EdgePolicy = EdgePolicy::Black) : FloatMap #

Perform a Fast Fourier Transform cross correlation (convolution?) with provided template. See FftUtil

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def fft : ComplexMap #

Performe a Fast Fourier Transform, padding out this Map so dimensions are a power of 2. See FftUtil

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def height : Int32 #

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def mask_from(&block : T, Int32, Int32 -> Bool) : Mask #

Construct a Mask from this GrayscaleImage using the passed in block to determine if a given pixel should be true or not

# Construct a mask identifying the bright pixels in the bottom left corner of image
image.to_gray.mask_from do |pixel, x, y|
  x < image.width // 2 &&      # left half of image
    y > (image.height // 2) && # bottom half of image
    pixel > 128                # only "bright" pixels
Woman in black turtleneck on white background -> Mask identifying bright spots in lower left corner

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def max : T #

Return the maximum value in this Map

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def mean : Float64 #

Return the average of the elements in this Map

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def min : T #

Return the minimum value in this Map

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def pad(all : Int32 = 0, *, top : Int32 = 0, bottom : Int32 = 0, left : Int32 = 0, right : Int32 = 0, pad_type : EdgePolicy = EdgePolicy::Black, pad_black_value : T = : self #

Pad the borders of this Map corresponding to pad_type.

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def raw : Array(T) #

Return the raw array underlying the map

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def row(y : Int32) : self #

Get a single dimensional Map representing the row at y

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def shape : Tuple(Int32, Int32) #

Return the shape of the map - {width, height}

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def size : Int32 #

Size of the map - width * height

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def sum : T #

Return the sum of all values in this Map

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def to_a : Array(T) #

Receive a copy of the underlying #raw array.

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def to_c : ComplexMap #

Convert this Map to a ComplexMap

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def to_gray(*, scale : Bool = false) : GrayscaleImage #

Convert this Map to a GrayscaleImage.

Set scale: true so that all of the values will scale, such that #max will become 255u8, and #min will become 0u8. All other values will be linearly scaled between those values.

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def width : Int32 #

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