abstract class CrImage::Window(T)


Represents a read-only view on top of a Map.

Constructing one of these over a larger Map allows for a re-indexed view within that map. If needing to sum all values within a certain area, a Window can be constructed around that area and then summed from that.

See RepeatView, ErrorView, and BlackView for specific edge handling cases.

Direct Known Subclasses

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(width : Int32, height : Int32, map : CrImage::Map(T), map_x : Int32, map_y : Int32) #

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Instance Method Detail

abstract def [](x : Int32, y : Int32) : T #

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def half_height : Int32 #

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def half_width : Int32 #

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def height : Int32 #

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def map : Map(T) #

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def map_x : Int32 #

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def map_y : Int32 #

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def mean : Float64 #

Calculate the mean for all values in the window

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def size : Int32 #

Return the size of this window

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def sum : Float64 #

Sum all values in the window together

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def sum(& : T, Int32, Int32, self -> T) : Float64 #

Iterate over all values within the window and sum the result of the passed in block

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def width : Int32 #

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