struct CrImage::Region


Represents a rectangular area on an Image from its upper left corner #x and #y coordinates, and a #width and #height.

See Operation::Crop#crop and Operation::Draw#draw_square for examples using it.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : UInt16, y : UInt16, width : UInt16, height : UInt16) : Region #

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def : UInt16, y : UInt16, width : UInt16, height : UInt16) #

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Instance Method Detail

def center : Tuple(Int32, Int32) #

Return the {x, y} tuple of the center coordinates of this Region

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def clone #

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def copy_with(x _x = @x, y _y = @y, width _width = @width, height _height = @height) #

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def crop(image : Image) : Image #

Crop a provided Image with this region, using Operation::Crop#crop

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def height : UInt16 #

def to_tuple : Tuple(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) #

Return this Region as a #x, #y, #width, and #height tuple

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def width : UInt16 #

def x : UInt16 #

def y : UInt16 #